Master of Computer Applications

MCA stands for Master of Computer Applications. It is a two-year postgraduate program that focuses on computer applications. The course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are required to develop and implement computer applications. MCA is a popular choice for students who want to pursue a career in the IT industry. MCA course allows candidates to develop computer skills which are in great demand across various IT and Software companies. Moreover, it is designed to meet the shortage of qualified professionals in the IT (Information Technology) industry in India.

It is a sought-after course after completing BCA which allows candidates to work as IT consultant, Database Engineer, Social Media Handler, and in various other positions. MCA can provide a candidate with in-depth knowledge of programming languages, software development, database management, and computer networks. MCA graduates can find jobs in various sectors, including software development, IT consulting, banking, finance, and insurance. The average starting salary for an MCA graduate in India can range from INR 5.4 LPA.

MCA Course Eligibility Criteria

Why Pursue MCA?

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